Parkend Primary School

Emotional Literacy Support


We recognise that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are addressed. We facilitate this through delivering programmes of support to pupils who are experiencing temporary or longer term additional emotional needs. The majority of work is delivered in small groups, especially in areas of social and friendship skills, however in some cases the sessions can be carried out on a 1:1 basis.

Emotional literacy sessions provide a calm, safe space for children to feel supported, nurtured and listened to. 

We provide support for a wide range of emotional needs:

Recognising and understanding emotions and feelings

Social skills

Friendship skills

Self esteem

Anger management



Loss and bereavement

Relaxing techniques


Supporting – Not fixing

 Emotional Literacy sessions aim to support children and equip them with tools to build confidence. We aim to establish a warm, respectful relationship with pupils to provide a reflective space where children are able to share their thoughts and feelings freely.

For children who require further support, the school can refer to a range of additional intervention to target specific aspects or more complex needs through Young Minds Matter, CAMHS, TIC+ or other multiagency partnerships. All referrals are always completed with full informed consent from parents or guardians. 


What is Emotional Literacy?