Parkend Primary School



Parkend Primary School has adopted a preferred school uniform and all pupils are encouraged to wear this where possible. We believe a uniform looks smart and adds to a child’s sense of identity and belonging to the school.

See letter for further details 



SCHOOL UNIFORM consists of…

 Sweatshirt: Green, with (school logo optional)

Cardigan: Green, with (school logo optional)

Polo shirt: Yellow with (school logo optional)

Skirt: Grey/Black

Trousers: Grey/Black

Shoes: Black (required)

Socks: Black, Grey or White

Summer dress: Green/White/Yellow (optional)

Shorts: Black/Grey 


The School has two uniform suppliers for required logo options – My Clothing and School Trends, and can be ordered online via the links below.


Please don’t forget to name your child’s uniform!


SCHOOL PE KIT consists of…

 Jogging Bottoms: Plain Navy Blue or Plain Black

Shorts: Plain Navy Blue or Plain Black

Plain White T-shirt/Polo Shirt

Shoes: Trainers 




All Reception pupils are supplied with a School Book Bag which is paid for by The Friends of Parkend School 


Replacement book bags can be ordered from School Trends or My Clothing.


 Uniform reminder July 2023.docx.pdfDownload
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