Hedgehog Class
Welcome to EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
Teachers Mrs Smith (Monday - Thursday) and Mrs Wright (Friday)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs N Millin and Mrs H Bandy
Autumn Term Information
Children are expected to arrive at school by 8.45am. The gates will be open at 8.35pm and registers will be taken at 8.45am, any child arriving after this time will be marked as late.
Please ensure that your child is wearing the expected uniform and refer to our uniform information section for further guidance.
Please can we remind you to send your child’s book bag in with them every day. This will allow us to send home letters and prevent them from losing things from the classroom to home. The reception children will be given a book bag from the 'Friends of Parkend' when they first start. Replacement book bags can be bought from MyClothing for £6.50.
Water bottles
Please can you provide your child with a water bottle at the start of the year. It will need to be named. We will send the water bottle home daily to be washed. Ideally, only water should be provided. We will fill the bottles with fresh water throughout the day.
Milk and fruit
The children will receive a piece of free fruit in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They will also receive a carton of milk until they turn 5 if parents sign them up to the Cool Milk scheme. You can order milk for them when they are 5 so that they can continue to enjoy it. If your child does not like a variety of fruit then you are welcome to send in a piece of fruit that you know they will enjoy. We are a healthy school so no crisps, chocolate or junk food for their morning snack, please.
PE kits
The children will be doing PE on a Monday. Children can come into school wearing their PE kit. We are hoping that most PE will happen outside therefore they will need to wear joggers in colder weather. Also, the children will be staying in their kit all day so being warm and comfortable is important! Please can you remove your child’s earrings on PE days. Our PE sessions will now be taught by specialists from ProStars.
Reading books
Please can you read regularly at home with your child and make a record of it in their reading record. Your child's reading book will be changed once a week, on a Monday. They need to remember to put it into the reading box ready for daily reading sessions every single day.
Children are expected to complete 25 minutes of Numbots / Times Table Rockstars 'Garage mode' per week, plus read four times at home. In addition to this termly spellings will be sent home for them to practice. Additional homework may be set from time to time.
Forest School
The children will take part in a Forest School session with Mrs Wright every Friday morning. They can come in to school wearing warm trousers, waterproofs, hat, scarf and gloves (when needed) They will need to wear normal uniform for their tops.
Biking - Follow My Lead
The children will be taking part in biking sessions with Follow My Lead, every other term on a Thursday. They will need to wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings, with normal uniform on top. They may also need gloves in colder weather. They do not need to bring in helmets.